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Thread: No juice??

  1. #11
    salsah is offline Emerald level (3000+ posts)
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    i'm fine with juice. but i control the type and quantity. i do not want it to be a regular part of their diet or become a habit. we don't even keep any in the house. all we drink is water is milk. my kids can go weeks w/o juice.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Thanks for the info!

    Thanks for the food for thought. Overall, I think my daughter eats a very healthy diet, including lots of fresh fruit and whole wheat, so I think I will keep it up with the glass or two of watered-down juice. I am kind of a freak about the pesticide issue, so I would rather get the vitamins from organic juices if I can't find that particular fruit (like blueberries) in season.
    To answer a previous poster, no, she will not drink milk in any shape or form. I attribute this to extended bfing and the fact that her mom HATES milk! I tried different cups, every flavor of milk available and no dice. My solution is to give her a "smoothie" of 1/2 Yogurt and 1/2 milk. She sucks that down once a day.
    That said she does drink lots of water and I have never given her juice in a bottle or before bed. Now I know to look out for too much juice drinking that interferes with eating, though. Thanks!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Oh yeah...

    And to answer the question about adults not being encouraged to drink juice...Again, I know that whole fruit is always the better choice, but any google search on drinking fruit juice returns lots info on the benefits of juices, especially pomegranate, blueberry, and cranberry. Antioxidents and all that. In moderation, of course!!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Hi.

    I don't give my kids juicy juice anymore. All what they useually drink is Seneca Apple Juice, it's all natural and less sugar...I don't think any sodium or fats. Unlike Juicy Juice is 27 grams of sugar or something and frozen kinds only have 23 or so..roughly saying. So I would stay away from high sugary juices. It'll help get the child more energetic if he/she drinks way to much of it. The WIC nutritionist said a child after 2 should only gets one cup a day, I've always wondred why my son would get so hyper it's not like I feed him chocolate all day. But we've noticed he's had a few cups of milk and when I stoped to one when he wakes up in the morning it helps. So it's not that it's not healthy, it's just too sugary. You don't want a wound up child at naps or bedtime...and I think a 1 year old should have 2 a day, besides there's natural fruites he/she can have too. Good luck.

  5. #15
    Melaine is offline Blue Diamond level (20,000+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubbaray View Post
    I've never been told or encouraged (as an adult or a parent) to drink juice. I do on occasion, but even for myself, I view it as empty calories. My kids get it rarely (maybe once every 2 weeks or even less often) as a treat -- and even then, only watered down (1/3 juice, 2/3 water). Our dentist and dr discourage children from drinking juice.

    Even if its unsweetened juice, it still has a lot of sugar (fructose) and virtually no fibre. If my girls (usually only DD#1) ask for juice, I tell them they can have milk or water.

    Me, I'd rather

    We give watered down juice usually just if we are dealing with a cold (just so they drink more fluids) or, for instance, this weekend we had a lot because I was pushing fluids in efforts to potty train.

    I really like to make smoothies for the girls because then they are getting the benefit of the fruit, and they love them.

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