My DD is 3 1/2 months old and about 2 weeks ago we started to work on getting her to fall asleep on her own (at the same time we moved her from the bassinet to her crib). She'll eat, we'll rock and read a book and then I put her down in her crib. We've also added a bath into the routine and I try to do a little baby massage.

For the first few nights, it was a long process (a couple of hours probably before she finally fell asleep)... she would "talk" a little, eventually cry, and I would come back in and calm her by stroking her head and just being there. I tried to not take her out of the crib unless she wouldn't calm down within less than a minute and then I would rock her or just move with her until she was calm again (but not asleep) and then put her back in the crib. I just repeated that until she finally fell asleep on her own in the crib. It was exhausting and a little frustrating but I kept at it. There was 1 night where I eventually gave up and rocked her straight to sleep, mostly because by that point she was just so overtired.

This week the process as shortened significantly, she's been asleep within around 10 min of me putting her down in the crib (after we've done the bath, feeding, and reading), hasn't been crying, required little to no standing around the crib, and she's been sleeping 10 hours straight! I think there's only been 2 nights since we started this whole thing where she's woken up in the middle of the night (Knock on wood!) and I think it was a room temperature issue.

Also, I've been starting "the process" early, like 7ish and I think that makes a big difference.

I do have similar nap issues somtimes though, but I'm hoping it gets easier as she adjusts to the nighttime routine! I have noticed it getting better the last few days. We're pretty on the go during the day so part of my problem might be not really having a set nap place, plus she sleeps so good at night.