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  1. #1
    a2mom is offline Copper level (50+ posts)
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    Default Bibs That Toddlers Can't Pull Off?

    I have a 14 month old and she has recently learned to pull off her velcro closure bibs, even when we have them clipped on (we use a binder clip). We've been using the Bumkins Superbibs and LOVE them but it seems that the velcro closures make them no longer an option. The long sleeve versions (with ties) are okay but they gap at the neck and are still messier than the regular versions. My daughter just plays with the hard plastic bibs (like Baby Bjorn), so those don't work either.

    Has anyone tried DaBibs? Or any other suggestions for waterproof, easy clean up bibs that kids can't get off?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    We are having the same issue with 1yr old DS. He keeps pulling off the velcro closure bibs. I just found a 3pack of snap close bibs from Carters at Marshalls and they have been working pretty well. I think they have a waterproof backing and go into the wahsing machine for cleanup.

  3. #3
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    Jul 2009


    We've had luck with sugarbooger bibs. They have a pretty hefty snap closure that our 18m DD can't undo. The ones we have are a heavy corduroy, not vinyl, but we've had no problems with leaking through. They're nice and big too.

    They aren't cheap though (I think I paid ~$6 each on mamabargains). If you're the least bit crafty, I bet you could make some yourself fairly easily.

  4. #4
    pharmjenn is offline Platinum level (1000+ posts)
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    San Francisco Bay Area


    I found some that go over the head, with a t-shirt type collar. My DS is 19mo and just now able to get the stretchier one off. I found them at BRU, with cute sayings on the front.
    mom to Billy 12/07

  5. #5
    citymama is offline Pink Diamond level (15,000+ posts)
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    SIlly Billyz are the best! Ours have lasted 2 yrs - my 3 yr old can't get them off by herself and they still look great. They have snap closure but are pretty hard to get off when wearing. I wish I had stocked up on these as gifts before went out of business, but I'm sure you can find them elsewhere.

    for Sandy Hook

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