Has anyone experienced both? We had Commerce Bank for what seems like at least a decade. Loved them ... they were awesome ... and I'm not just talking about their 7 days a week opening. We rarely had to go there (mostly just to cash/deposit birthday/Christmas checks) and we heavily use their online bill paying. I can't even remember the last time I wrote a check because we live by our debit cards.

Commerce also posted debits and credits once a day, and they always put the credits in before the debits. It was really nice because you knew that if something hadn't posted (debits) that morning, then it would probably post the next day. Apparently TD Bank doesn't follow this policy. A few days ago, they overdrew our account by doing this. We have NEVER had an overdraft EVER before. I can't even tell what the hell is the overdraft because there WAS money to cover whatever was in there. The line items show there was enough in the account before the overdraft fee they took out then my DH's paycheck (and they're bimonthly, so it was a substantial amount) went in and there was also after, obvious. I checked any everything that I or DH bought cleared and didn't overdraw the account. So I'm a bit flummoxed. Especially since we have a second checking account that is linked to the first one and has quite a bit of money in ... and two savings accounts that had adequate funds to avoid the phantom overdraft.

It makes absolutely no sense to me. I know I'm going to have to call them, but I'm just spent .... I spent a total of 2-1/2 hours on the phone with Verizon just two days ago trying to terminate two lines and figure out why, out of the blue, our contract expirations had just suddenly added about 6 months onto when our contract is supposed to end in their system. I go nuts when this stuff happens ... I will fight until my dying breath to make them fix it ... I'll just push them round and round until they say alright already, if I just give you this credit that we don't think you qualify for, will you let me go and get away from the crazy??? (I do have OCD and I'm sure this helps in situations like this)

So ... I live in Central/Southern Jersey. Anybody have a bank they can recommend around here? I don't want to go the credit union banks. I don't even really care about the hours. My only requirement is that they have excellent online banking (DH is not interested in ING).

PS: I used to be a bank teller in two different banks when I was in my 20s. WTH did overdraft fees cost SEVENTY DOLLARS???