just wondering, is it relatively safe to take Theraflu while nursing? is there anything bad about it other than the possible effect on supply (not too concerned about this, plus i have a freezer stash of expressed BM just in case). my main concern is any effects on my son (considering theraflu has alcohol in it)

thing is, i'm feeling pretty crappy as a result of either horrible allergies or a sudden-onset cold (24 hrs ago i was feeling perfectly fine, now i have a throbbing head cold, stuffy/runny nose, sore throat..the works). usually i deal with it ok without meds during the day, the only hard part is sleeping at night. in the past (pre-pregnancy) i would take a shot of Theraflu right before bed and that would work wonders..would let me fall asleep and get a good uninterrupted 8 hrs of sleep. so i was just wondering if it would be ok to take now that i am nursing. i just nursed my son (9pm) and don't anticipate another feeding until 5am at the absolute earliest...so if i took a dose now would it be ok or should i still pump & dump in the morning?

i tried googling this and got mixed answers. was just wondering what BBBers have to say, if anyone BTDT...