I know I'm not alone in hating all the junk in goody bags. DS's birthday is later this month and we've been going to birthday parties and have more to come in the next couple weeks (all his friends have birthdays within a couple months of his). So, we went to one yesterday... all the typical plastic crappy in the goody bag as is typical... stuff that DS looks at for a minute or two and then we chuck.

DH doesn't want to give goody bags for DS's party because he thinks it's a stupid tradition. I'd like to give something, but not your typical good back crap-ola. So, what are your suggestions? TIA.

ETA: He'll be turning 3, so pretty much all the kids are in that age range with the exception of a 1 year old sibling of one of his friends and my niece who is still an infant (so won't be getting a goody bag).