I do t-shirts every year, spend about $10/shirt give or take a buck. Last year it was Peter Pan, so I had it say "Look at all the joy you'll find, when you fly to birthday 5!" Year before it was Incredibles, and the front had in Incredibles font, "Incredible Birthday!" with the family in line art. Year before that it was Madagascar with "It's a jungle out there, let's have a party!" (not my best work on that one). I hate the plastic bag o'crap, and I refuse to visit it on other parents, and do my best to deliver them from it. So there ya go.
* Charter member of the BBB I Love Brussels Sprouts Society
* I do not fix my typos. I shuold, but I dodn't.
* I regret tucking my jeans into my socks with Reebok high-tops well into 1994.