I have no idea what to do. DS is 5.5. Lately he wets himself during the day. HE says he is attempting to hold it in as long as possible. I tried to explain that he can't do that or he will cause himself to get an infection (I'm talking hold it in for over 6 hours at a time). He wets himself instead of using the toilet. I have to force him to go (make a game of it etc....) all of a sudden. I don't get it. The only thing I can think it would be is that DS is switching schools and maybe he is nervous about it. I don't think he already has an infection (no burning, urgency, backpain, fever etc.... and I know he can have an infection without any of these symptoms). Should I take him to the ped or try to reassure him about school and see if it goes away? I'm overly worried about this. My own brother lost a kidney b/c my parents and the ped missed an infection that got out of hand when he was 6.