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  1. #1
    ssgg is offline Copper level (50+ posts)
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    Default 2 y.o. doesn't eat at school - help!

    My DD just turned 2 and started preschool this week (3 days per wk). She won't eat anything of the lunch I pack for her. We pack it together so she sees what's going in. I've packed all her favorite things that she eats up quickly at home. But she doesn't eat even a single bite at school. Then when she comes homes, she's ravenous and eats really fast. This week, I've been picking her up about noon...just getting her used the school. But she will have to stay there all day soon because I work. I hate to think she will go all day w/o eating anything. And how will she nap w/o eating?? At home, she's not a great eater but she will eat every meal and does eat a good nutritious variety, no junk. Has this happened to anyone? Any suggestions? Do you think she will eat eventually when I start leaving her all day. She is a shy girl and takes a while to get comfortable with new situations. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Kestrel is offline Sapphire level (2000+ posts)
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    My shy little guy did exactly this. We (the teacher and I) figured there was too much going on for him to concentrate on eating.
    Our solution was to wait until the rest of the kids went to sleep, and then teacher offer him lunch again, and he'll eat, without all the distractions. Luckily, he's a great sleeper, and even though he's going down for nap 30-40 minutes later than the rest, he's just sleeping through the others waking up/getting changed, and gets up later.
    After three weeks, he's now starting to eat his lunch with the rest.

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    hillview's Avatar
    hillview is offline Blue Diamond level (20,000+ posts)
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    This is common for us even for a 4 year old (DS1 last year) give it another week to get things less interesting and reevaluate IMO.
    DS #1 Summer 05
    DS #2 Summer 07

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