We have started with night time weaning and that part has been successful so far. the first week, DH has slept with DS in the bedroom and I slept in the living room. this way DS could not find me to cry his way to the boob. After about 2-3 days DS would become very easy to soothe without nursing. the problem though, is that DH would bring DS into our bed to make it easier for him to pat his back and soothe him and of course DS has taken a liking to sleeping in our bed!

After a week, I came back to family bed and started sleeping on the other side of the bed, while DH would sleep on the side of the crib. DS would wake up and not be able to see me, so this worked, but the fact that we had to bring DS into our bed still remained.

Now, we are sleeping with DS pretty much every day. Before it used to be we co-slept only after 4am (if DS would wake up for his usual 2 hour play period too early in the morning, but not technically in the middle of the night). Now, he has another cold and we feel sorry for him, so he has been in our bed pretty much since the beginning of the night.

co-sleeping isn't something we planned, but it has been working so far in getting us all a bit more sleep. I guess, the main thing that it helps is eliminating the prolonged 2 hour wakeful periods in the middle of the night, hopefully, keeping our fingers crossed.

I am also glad to stop BFing in the middle of the night. I honestly don't miss it, I still nurse in the mornings and at night and pump 2 times a day. I hope the night weaning is permanent.

Next thing we have to work on is getting DS to sleep in his crib again. That will probably be a hard one and we will have to wait till he gets healthy and well again for any sort of training. Any tips from co-sleepers on getting your baby successfully sleeping in their own beds?