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  1. #1
    Corie's Avatar
    Corie is offline Pink Diamond level (15,000+ posts)
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    Default Question for TWINS birthdays

    My son was invited to a classmate's birthday. This little boy
    is a twin. My son doesn't know the twin.

    On the birthday party invitation, it said, "You are invited
    to Bob and Rob's birthday party!!" (These are made-up names.)

    We only know Bob. DS and Bob are in class together.

    We do not know Rob. Rob is in a different class.

    So, do we buy both a birthday gift? Or do we only buy a birthday
    gift for the twin that we know?

    "A smile is a curve that can set a lot of things straight."
    -fortune cookie

  2. #2
    twindad is offline Silver level (200+ posts)
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    I would think it would depend slightly on the age of the children involved. In my opinion, a child over the age of 6 would be able to understand why he did not receive a gift (because he is not friends with the giver), but his twin brother did.

  3. #3
    infocrazy is offline Sapphire level (2000+ posts)
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    Not a twin mom, but I would probably get a gift that they could share, game etc, and put both names on it, but spend the same amount I would for just one gift...

    DS in X-Small 7/12, Medium 5/07, and Large 7/05, one DD 3/10, and our DS 4/09 watching over us.

  4. #4
    MMMommy is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    I would get a gift for both boys just as a courtesy, with perhaps a better gift for the twin that you know. I personally wouldn't get them one gift to share because I would want them to feel special individually with their own gift, versus being lumped together as one unit.
    Mommy to Two DDs
    Member of the BBB I Love Brussels Sprouts Society

    (Why? Because the banana smilie is just so funny)

  5. #5
    SnuggleBuggles is offline Black Diamond level (25,000+ posts)
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    I'd probably buy a board game and put both of their names on the gift. Otherwise I would still be tempted to get 2 gifts.


  6. #6
    oneplustwo is offline Sapphire level (2000+ posts)
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    You can always call the twins' mom to ask.

    We go to lots of twins' birthday parties, and not just because we have twins in our family. If I were in your situation and didn't check with the mom, I would bring a gift of equal value for each birthday boy, especially based on the invitation wording. But give the mom a call. It may turn out she expects that your DS will only bring a gift for the boy he knows, but usually that is spelled out in the invite since this kind of confusion always comes up. We've gone to some parties like that, where we were told to bring a gift only for one twin (even though we knew both), since each twin was inviting kids from his/her separate classroom. DD couldn't bring herself to ignore the other birthday child altogether, so she made a nice card for the one she wasn't supposed to bring a gift for.

  7. #7
    boolady is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnuggleBuggles View Post
    I'd probably buy a board game and put both of their names on the gift. Otherwise I would still be tempted to get 2 gifts.

    This is what I would do. I'd get a nicer board game or set of puzzles or something and put both of their names on it. Done.
    Jen, mom to my silly monkey, 10/06

  8. #8
    Melaine is offline Blue Diamond level (20,000+ posts)
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    I agree that it sort of depends on the age of the kids, but I'd err on the side of two smaller gifts just to keep it simple.

  9. #9
    fivi2 is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    Not to disagree with pps but as a twin mom I STRONGLY encourage you *not* to give a gift to "share". That does not work well at our house.

    If I were you I would treat it as you would any joint birthday party if you only knew one of the birthday kids. (perhaps those aren't common everywhere, but I have been invited to a few). Generally I give the person I don't know a gift, but maybe a less expensive, more generic gift (since I don't know what they like!) but sometimes it is an equivalent gift. I think the parent will expect to get a range (from joint gifts, to equal, to just one for the child you know). I imagine she has prepared her children.

  10. #10
    Corie's Avatar
    Corie is offline Pink Diamond level (15,000+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by oneplustwo View Post
    It may turn out she expects that your DS will only bring a gift for the boy he knows, but usually that is spelled out in the invite since this kind of confusion always comes up.
    And that's why I'm confused!

    We've been to other twin and triplet parties but the invitation
    usually just says the one child that we actually know.

    "A smile is a curve that can set a lot of things straight."
    -fortune cookie

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