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I think it's lovely! And she does break down a lot of the most expensive looking items in the description, and they frankly don't sound expensive at all, given that they were made out of cheap felt and free labor. I wouldn't be surprised if this party was very much in line with the standard bounce house parties. Just more work.
And to each their own in that regard. Some people are just creative types. They like designing and decorating and event planning. Why would they just not do all that for their kids' parties???
I also will never understand why people say things like "the kids don't care. They would have been fine with a simple cake." Well, sure. Your kids don't need any fancy toys. They're happy with pots and pans. They don't need cute clothes. They're happy with dollar leggings and tshirts. They certainly DON'T want a pretty picture with Santa, as their crying faces would attest. We do a lot of things as parents because WE enjoy them. Kids will soon be teens, and have their own parties, with their own demands. But right now, when you have to plan the whole thing, when the event is just as full with your friends as it is your child's friends, why can't you design it to your tastes? Your kid is happy, either way.
All that being said, I don't throw kids' parties NEARLY as nice as this. But I'll bet mine cost a LOT more, because I don't DIY anything. And given the wide variety of parties I've attended, I really don't think anyone cares if yours isn't as gorgeous as the last one. I marvel at one woman's party throwing skills, another's great shoes, another's impressive job, another's perfectly behaved kids. Everyone has their own "pride and joy." Good for them. They rock theirs, I'll rock mine.