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  1. #1
    hillview's Avatar
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    Default 3 year old bolting into the street and monkey harness?

    DS2 is 3.5 years old and yesterday BOLTED to the street 3 times. I nearly had a heart attack. I have gone over the rules and told him either hold hands or I will strap you into the stroller (at 44 lbs he is too large for me to carry if he is fighting me while I am holding DS1's hand). So we are going to London next week. I feel like I might need a monkey harness/leash thing. We've never used one but London is busy and I think the mere threat of it might "encourage" cooperation. We will also have a stroller.

    So do you have a monkey harness suggestion for a 3/4 year old at 44 lbs AND do you have another suggestion in this situation?
    DS #1 Summer 05
    DS #2 Summer 07

  2. #2
    infomama's Avatar
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    We have never used one but I wouldn't be opposed in your case. I would probably opt to keep him in the stroller (will he do that?) vs. wrangling him. Here is a resource for harnesses for heaver kids...

  3. #3
    TwoBees is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    I'm opposed to harness in general, but in your case, for this trip, it sounds like a good idea. Good luck!
    Mom to a spirited, red-headed, former 28-weeker 10/2009 and a more mellow monkey 12/2013.

  4. #4
    lhafer is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    I used one for my DD for the same reason! She loved it, I loved it - it was a win win for us. She had a bit of freedom without feeling like she was required to hold my hand all the time, and I knew she was safe.

  5. #5
    SummerBaby is offline Platinum level (1000+ posts)
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    My older DD (now 6.5) was a darter, so I totally understand your situation. The monkey harness did not work for her at all. It's not very sturdy, and she was able to just shrug it off. She also would just either not walk in it, or would pull against it- picture a totally out of control untrained dog. I would make sure he will cooperate with it before you leave your stroller at home. I had to just keep my DD strapped into the stroller in a crowded, unsafe situation. She didn't like it, but at least she couldn't get out of it. Good luck!

  6. #6
    hillview's Avatar
    hillview is offline Blue Diamond level (20,000+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by SummerBaby View Post
    My older DD (now 6.5) was a darter, so I totally understand your situation. The monkey harness did not work for her at all. It's not very sturdy, and she was able to just shrug it off. She also would just either not walk in it, or would pull against it- picture a totally out of control untrained dog. I would make sure he will cooperate with it before you leave your stroller at home. I had to just keep my DD strapped into the stroller in a crowded, unsafe situation. She didn't like it, but at least she couldn't get out of it. Good luck!
    Ok this is a good point. DS2 would TOTALLY pull me. I am for sure bringing the stroller and will likely just have to strap him in.
    DS #1 Summer 05
    DS #2 Summer 07

  7. #7
    elliput's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hillview View Post
    So do you have a monkey harness suggestion for a 3/4 year old at 44 lbs AND do you have another suggestion in this situation?
    This was about the age and size I stopped using the harness with DD. If you haven't been using one up to this point, you need to start using it now in order for you and your DS to get the feel of it.
    DD 1/05
    DS 9/08

    Since one just does not simply walk into Mordor, I say we form a conga line and dance our way in.
    Excuse me, are you in a play​?

  8. #8
    mommylamb's Avatar
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    We had one that we barely ever used when DS was younger (18 months-2 years), but he grew out of bolting and so we stopped using it. DS is 3.5 now, and it would be a tough thing at this point.

    Have fun in London!!! I wish I could come.

  9. #9
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    I went through this when DD was that age. I used the stroller as an incentive. If DD stayed with me, she got to walk. If DD didn't stay with me, she would have to ride in the stroller. I used the harness in airports and times when I wouldn't always have a hand to keep her from bolting or the ability to run after her in case she did (eg. pregnancy). I would use the stroller the same way; your DS could wear the harness and walk as long as long as he cooperates. When your DS pulls against the harness or tries to run away, then it's stroller time. You might get some dirty looks for using a harness, but it beats having a squashed kid!

  10. #10
    KDsMommy is offline Platinum level (1000+ posts)
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    You've gotten some good recommendations. I just wanted to say that you're not alone, DS has been bolting from me a lot lately, a couple times into busy parking lots and it scares the CRAP out of me.
    DS '07
    DSS '09
    DSS '12
    DD1 9/21/14

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