Feeling confused on how all this feeding stuff is going. DS is 10 months and EBF. He's done well with solids since we introduced at 6 mos. I'm having a hard time (in my head) of how we are transitioning from milk to table food. My goal is to BF until 1 year and I'm almost there.

I work FT and send milk to daycare. As solids have become part of the mix I have gradually been sending less. I've heard the rule of thumb to send 1 oz/milk for each hour you are away, but surely younger babies need more than older babies. I am away the same length of time, so I don't get it. In my mind you gradually taper off milk as you approach 1 year. Maybe that line of thinking is incorrect?

At his 9 mo. appt Ped was concerned about weight. 17 lbs, which they said was 5th percentile, although they must be using the old CDC charts, not the 2006 WHO charts - where he's at 15th percentile. I know it's not a contest where every baby must aim for 50th, but Ped was def concerned and suggested we may need to supplement w/ formula. I'm not convinced of the need for that - DS is happy and healthy, meeting milestones (crawling and pulling up, a very busy boy). And I also know that many BF babies have a pleateau at some point, so defensively I want to ignore his weight concerns. We go back at 10.5 for a wt check.

DS has milk 4x/day. Morning + bedtime, and 2 bottles at daycare (or 2 nursings if on weekends). He's pretty distractable now, and I am not feeling great that he's getting enough, the nursings aren't that long and he's so interested in crawling around. I try keeping lights low or going somewhere private w/o conversation. Ped recommended 20-24 oz/day, and I don't have confidence we're meeting that. At daycare he has 9 or 10 oz. soooo.... is that bad?

I guess what we are doing is BLW, although I never thought of that as our "plan", simply what I assumed was how all babies transitioned. DS does a combination of self-feeding and spoon-feedings, depending what we give him.

Ped also gave the OK for cow's milk in small amounts (like to mix in with oatmeal). He encouraged us to push the proteins to get some weight gain, so that was one of his suggestions.

What happens at 1 year - do most of you gradually switch from BM to cow's milk, like 25/75, then 50/50, 75/25, etc?

Sorry, lots of wonderings in my head and not confident we know what we're doing. Wow this is long. done now!