I was jumping off the couch to help DS today when I tripped over a toy and fell onto the coffee table. The edge hit directly on my abdomen, right on the side where DS#2 has been hanging out all day. I then fell onto the floor on my side with my arm twisted around behind me, and my elbow over extended. It is still hurting. I could still feel the baby pressed up against my abdomen wall before and after the fall so I'm pretty sure that it hit him - and hard. I think it was probably his back.

We went to L&D at the hospital, but they only monitored his heartbeat which was fine. I don't have any pain (other than the elbow) or visible bleeding, and he is moving around well. I just feel horrible about it though. I already have an appointment and ultrasound scheduled for Tuesday so I'm hoping that will put my mind at ease a little more, but right now I'm still really worried about him. My placenta is also in the front, and the nurse said you can have bleeding without pain so I have that added worry. I've been so careful to always hold onto handrails on stairs etc, and I feel like an idiot for falling so hard right in my own living room like that.

Has anyone else fallen on their abdomen, and did anything happen because of it?