I am struggling to come to terms with our situation with Ds2.

Ds2 is only 18mo and has been diagnosed with a significant speech delay. His ST has suggested it might be oral motor planning and depending on what I read online this seems to fit very well or not at all. He has trouble with basic communication (verbal and nonverbal), speech (language) and maybe fine motor too (he has trouble signing).

I feel like we know that something is clearly wrong, but there is very little we can do about it right now. There doesn't seem to be any way to do more testing or get an actual diagnosis until he is closer to 3yo. Logically, I can understand that he is still so very, very young in terms of speech/language development but he has many, many red flags that indicate he will not simply be a late talker.

I feel a burning desire to be more proactive, but its like I have no direction and no where to put my energy. Other than EI, everything seems geared to much older kids. Again, the logical side of me understands why, but the other part of me weeps at the thought of having to wait another year or two to get more help!

I am also feeling the roller coaster emotions of seeing improvement a few days in a row then regression for the next week. Its like, "Hey, we're making progress. I can feel good about this" and then "wait, where did it all go?" Ds2 had a real growth spurt 2 weeks ago, and the skills are mostly gone again.

I am just feeling all alone though I know I am not the only person dealing with these issues. If you've made it his far, thank you! I made the mistake of reading too much online yesterday and that was a bad idea. Can anyone suggest a good boards for parents whose kids have developmental delays (speech specific or not?).