I now get that DH does not get DS's issues at all. He can never go to any appointments with me (he doesn't want to and is very stressed at work). I tell him everything. He reads the reports. But, it's like he doesn't understand ANYTHING. DH get angry at DS and thinks that if he yells enough etc.. that DS will realize that his behavior is not appropriate and change. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN and I can't get DH to understand. It's like he does not retain information about DS at all (or DD for that matter or me). I'm not sure if it is stress at work (and it could be) or if DH honestly could care less. The problem is that if he could care less I would prefer he leave so I can raise DS and not have him be hurt by DH (I mean emotionally hurt).

I wish DH would go and talk to someone but he refuses. I can't seem to get through to him. This is going to end my marriage.