I have been going crazy the last 5 days. DS has been a great sleeper since we sleep trained him at 6 months. He started daycare not that long ago and started getting sick. He is 15 months and had his first fever a month ago. Even then he was doing well sleep-wise, waking up but going back to sleep on his own. He has been sick since Saturday, and that night I actually went and rocked him in the middle of the night, since then he has been waking up screaming to be picked up. I felt sorry because he was sick, but he is much better now and bedtime has turned into a screaming battle. I do not want to not comfort him if he is feeling bad, at what point do you draw the line and remind him he was perfectly capable of falling asleep on his own? The lack of sleep is driving me crazy. DH has been on business trips every time DS got sick, so I am alone and cannot go to work, and I am swamped at work right now