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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Help! Potty advice!

    Hi. I am trying to train my 33 month old daughter. She is showing signs of being ready and has been for a while. She does not initiate potty use but she will go sit when asked. She has peed on the potty a few times but with no regularity. Several times while sitting she has almost started crying and saying she needs a diaper. She was holding herself and squirming like she had to pee so I asked if we could count to 10 then be all done. After a few seconds she started to pee. She was very excited and was smiling and laughing. My husband and I gave tons of praise and hugs and she kept sayin she was so happy and a big girl. Since then no luck! She will sit and read books and sing songs. We keep her on for about 5 minutes though sometimes she wants to sit for longer.
    She will often hold herself and squirm and not pee. I did look into if she had a UTI but she didn't have any other symptoms. She can tell you where she should pee and wants to go in with me. She gets excited and praises me. She has no problem flushing the potty.
    We tried taking diapers away and just did underpants and in three days she has one success. So we web back to diapers but still ask her to sit on tue potty throughout the day.
    Sorry for rambling. It has been a crazy few weeks. I am hoping that someone has some advice or anything that might help us out.

  2. #2
    swrc00 is offline Platinum level (1000+ posts)
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    When DS was like this we would set a timer for 30 minute increments and have him go sit. It really helped him start to go at regular intervals.
    DS - 11/08
    DS2- 2/13

  3. #3
    mikeys_mom is offline Sapphire level (2000+ posts)
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    We recently did the 3-day potty training method on my very stubborn 3.5yo twin DD's. It was the best thing I ever did. Super intense and lots of work, but 3 weeks later, both girls are fully trained both night and day!!!

    I highly recommend giving it a try.
    DS - 10
    DD - 8
    Twin Girls - 6

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Day 1 was a nightmare. She held it until 1:30 then peed on the potty. After that it was one accident after another. She pooped on the rug and had about 7 pee accidents. She did pee on the potty right before bed so at least we ended the day well.
    Today has been a bit better . She did have one accident but she also peed on the potty. We will see how it goes

  5. #5
    pastrygirl is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    New England.


    Quote Originally Posted by Erinleigh1327 View Post
    Day 1 was a nightmare. She held it until 1:30 then peed on the potty. After that it was one accident after another. She pooped on the rug and had about 7 pee accidents. She did pee on the potty right before bed so at least we ended the day well.
    Today has been a bit better . She did have one accident but she also peed on the potty. We will see how it goes
    Are you doing the 3-day method? I was thinking of trying it...

  6. #6
    hellokitty is offline Pink Diamond level (15,000+ posts)
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    If she is really resistant, I would just back off and try again in a month. However, if she seems like she is willing to work with you, what we do is set the timer for every 30 min until he goes. Once he does go, we increase it to 60 min, but if he doesn't go, it's 30 min again. You just need to watch them like a hawk and doing underwear/cloth training pants is IMO the way to go.
    Mom to 3 LEGO Maniacs

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