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  1. #11
    mikeys_mom is offline Sapphire level (2000+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hemlock View Post
    Thanks for the update! Looking forward to shopping at Target in Ontario, unfortunately we are not getting one here.
    What province are you in? I thought they were rolling out across the country by the end of the year.
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  2. #12
    Hemlock is offline Silver level (200+ posts)
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    I'm in Ontario, but our Zellers was not selected as a location for Target. Zellers closed in January and a section of the former location is currently being renovated as "Urban Planet"

  3. #13
    mikeys_mom is offline Sapphire level (2000+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hemlock View Post
    I'm in Ontario, but our Zellers was not selected as a location for Target. Zellers closed in January and a section of the former location is currently being renovated as "Urban Planet"
    Ah, gotcha! Sorry, I misunderstood your original post.
    We have an Urban Planet at the mall near us. Very strange styles there...It seems to be aimed at the teenage crowd. I hope my kids never shop there .
    Too bad you get that rather than Target. That sucks.
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  4. #14
    mom2binsd is offline Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    I'll be interested when I go to Ottawa this summer, there are bunch of Zellers that will be converted to Target, and what is really interesting is that an old Sears is turning into a Nordstrom....although it's too bad they picked that location, the Bayshore Shopping Center in Nepean would have been the better location for a Nordstrom.

  5. #15
    Neatfreak is offline Emerald level (3000+ posts)
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    Has anyone checked out the toy department at Target yet? I don't know when the Calgary stores are slated to open, but I'm curious if they'll carry the faux American Girl doll items that the American stores do - every so often I've seen other posters on this board talk about the doll armoire, or the toy horse ...
    ~ Laura

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  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neatfreak View Post
    Has anyone checked out the toy department at Target yet? I don't know when the Calgary stores are slated to open, but I'm curious if they'll carry the faux American Girl doll items that the American stores do - every so often I've seen other posters on this board talk about the doll armoire, or the toy horse ...
    Yes, they carry the Our Generation stuff at the Target that opened near me (in Ontario). I didn't look too carefully (I had DS with me, he wasn't interested in the doll aisles!), but I'm pretty sure I saw both the horse and the armoire. The toy section actually looked exactly the same as the ones I remember from Target in the States. The aisles seemed to be organized in the same way.

  7. #17
    EllasMum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neatfreak View Post
    I don't know when the Calgary stores are slated to open...
    I drove by the Market Mall location on the weekend and they appeared to be cleaning up the parking lot, which I took to be a good sign. I also spoke with someone who got a stocking job at the MM location and she let it slip that it would be open in "about 2 weeks". Can't confirm that, though. I heard the Chinook (??) location might open sooner.
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  8. #18
    Neatfreak is offline Emerald level (3000+ posts)
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    Awesome news on both counts!
    ~ Laura

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