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  1. #1
    gatorsmom is offline Pink Diamond level (15,000+ posts)
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    Default Can we ge a sticky for kids books?

    Since it's summer and I'm trying to keep my kids reading instead of turning on the TV, I keep doing searches here for previous threads recommending kids books. It's hard doing a search for kids book threads because the main search words bring up lots of random things. Could we do a sticky thread, maybe just for the summer, of good reads for kids?
    " I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent." Mahatma Gandhi

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  2. #2
    missym's Avatar
    missym is offline Bargain Alerts forum moderator
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    There is one at the top of the KidFun forum. It hasn't been updated in a while - I'll add a few things to it, and maybe once it's bumped others will post.
    Last edited by missym; 06-06-2013 at 06:56 AM.
    Mom to DD1 '03 and DD2 '05

  3. #3
    lizzywednesday is offline Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by missym View Post
    There is one at the top of the KidFun forum. It hasn't been updated in a while - I'll add a few things to it, and maybe once it's bumped others will post.
    I think the biggest issue with the stickied one was that the forum used to "yell" at you when you tried to bump or add to it because it was a fairly old thread.

    Thanks for re-opening it, though. I have learned about so many authors I never would have heard of while browsing new book threads and I'm always happy to share my favorites with everyone else.
    DD (3/2010)

    "Make mistakes! Get messy!" - Miss Frizzle

  4. #4
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    I just added some summer reading lists, favorite lists, and awards lists from reputable sites. Hopefully, others will add more
    DS, Summer '07

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    I just wanted to say thank you to the OP for suggesting the sticky and to the mods for compiling it! It's a wonderful resource!

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