I am writing this at 1:40 since I am up anyway. DS is destroying my will to live.

17 months and waking up tons of times, from 3-5 a night. He has been waking for the day between 4:30 and 5. His naps are still short. 30 minutes to an hour. Usually 45. about 9 and 2 but he is waking so early that even holding him off until 9 is hard.

Tonight he has been crying for over an hour and a half. He'll stop for a couple minutes, then start again. He's hoarse. I go in there and he begs to nurse.

I have got. to. wean. I am desperate to get back on anxiety meds. I am desperate for sleep. I cannot nap during the day. I am homeschooling the girls so it's not like they are off to school, and even if they were I cannot take naps. He nurses all day long, tons of times. This has got to stop. I have no idea what to do. PLEASE help.