Hi Canadian mamas and papas! MIL wants to send some clothing labels to her mom in NL. Is there a company that you prefer? TIA.
Hi Canadian mamas and papas! MIL wants to send some clothing labels to her mom in NL. Is there a company that you prefer? TIA.
Lula '06outgrew her allergy to milk & eggs, still allergic to peanuts and cats
Dolly '10
I use Mabel's Labels. They're based in ON. The prices are similar to some of the other companies rec'ed here especially if you can find a coupon, and IIRC they have free shipping which is a big deal considering Canadian postal rates, and what it now costs to ship to Canada from the US.
DS, Summer '07
"My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world." ~Jack Layton
Yes, look at Mabel's Labels - ours have held up for a crazy seven years. I've also ordered clothing labels from Name Bubbles, but I think that the style offered at Mabels's Labels is easier to read, which seems like it may be a good thing for more-elderly people.
~ Laura
One in 2004 and the other one in 2008
Sorry for the late reply, but I thought I would chime in. I ordered some from Oliver's Labels. You put in the order online and then can pick them up at Staples - I think it was possibly the next day?! Very fast, anyway. They also offer free shipping if you don't have a Staples nearby. Quality has been great, and the choices of designs are great. We love them!