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  1. #1
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    Default Need some carrier advice- toddler and hiking

    I've always only worn my DCs in ring slings and pouches, never owned a SSC. YDS is now 2.5 and likely our last ;( and hasn't wanted to be worn regularly since shortly after 2 (unlike dd who was in the zolo till 3.5!). We have a Kelty frame pack that dh uses when we go on hikes but when he gets tired or needs a break it just doesn't fit me well at all. Last time I used it I need up walking landing forward 45* the entire last mile of our hike. Not at all comfy. I posed this question on TBW and was suggested a toddler kinderpack, Tula or olive and applesauce. I looked at them and they look fab but I can't justify over $100 at this point in our baby days, let alone the $175 and up that those code, for a carrier that may not see much use and ds might hate. A local mama is selling a boba air for $50, which is a perfect price point, but looking at it I'm not sure if it's a good option since it's so bare bone, no padding, Kwim?

    Anyone have one? Would you use it for the occasional hike? Fwiw, we hike in mountains but with 8 and 10 yr olds with us it's not like we're doing crazy rugged terrain and no climbing obviously, but more than just a stroll through Disney. Any other ideas for a toddler compatible carrier that isn't so $$? Even on eBay and fsot at TBW those things are at or above retail!
    Ds is about 28lb and 33 mos old. I'm 5'6, longer waisted and size xs/s.

  2. #2
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    My DS is 15 mo and I have a boba air. I ordered it on amazon and did not try it first. I have a becco which works great for us, but I wanted the boba air because I travel a lot and the becco just takes up so much space. I love that the boba air folds so small that it fits in my diaper bag. That being said, I pretty much hate everything else about it. I've tried it in both front and rear carries and I think that both ways it is amazingly uncomfortable. YMMV, but for me the lack of padding that makes it small and portable makes it unwearable for any significant length of time.

  3. #3
    mikala is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    Do you know anyone with an Ergo you could try? It probably doesn't have the higher back for big kids but theyre pretty widely available and you could find new or used within your budget. Ds1 wanted me to wear him around the same age because he was jealous of baby ds2 and it was doable.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikala View Post
    Do you know anyone with an Ergo you could try? It probably doesn't have the higher back for big kids but theyre pretty widely available and you could find new or used within your budget. Ds1 wanted me to wear him around the same age because he was jealous of baby ds2 and it was doable.
    I hadn't really looked at the ergo because everything I read said it's too short and narrow for older toddlers? I do know a few people who own them. Will maybe see if ic an borrow and try out. Those are definitely more in line with the budget. That's a good idea. I should probably try them out before completely something off!

  5. #5
    lizzywednesday is offline Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by calebsmama03 View Post
    I hadn't really looked at the ergo because everything I read said it's too short and narrow for older toddlers? I do know a few people who own them. Will maybe see if ic an borrow and try out. Those are definitely more in line with the budget. That's a good idea. I should probably try them out before completely something off!
    Try one before you make the call. I can still use our Ergo - in a pinch - with my almost-4-year-old DD, but it's less than ideal for us because the body is too short to support her properly.

    I find the back too short for my DD, who was a total leaner at 2, so I bought a Toddler KP, but she's my 1st so a different situation from yours.

    Honestly, I think you'd like a Boba 3G better than the Ergo, though it's still a lot to spend new. Maybe try TBW's FSOT pages or see if FrogMama or QuirkyBaby have any returns?
    DD (3/2010)

    "Make mistakes! Get messy!" - Miss Frizzle

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chitowngirl View Post
    My DS is 15 mo and I have a boba air. I ordered it on amazon and did not try it first. I have a becco which works great for us, but I wanted the boba air because I travel a lot and the becco just takes up so much space. I love that the boba air folds so small that it fits in my diaper bag. That being said, I pretty much hate everything else about it. I've tried it in both front and rear carries and I think that both ways it is amazingly uncomfortable. YMMV, but for me the lack of padding that makes it small and portable makes it unwearable for any significant length of time.
    I totally agree about the boba air. So uncomfortable, I sent mine back. I love my kinder pack, maybe you can find a used one?

  7. #7
    mikala is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by calebsmama03 View Post
    I hadn't really looked at the ergo because everything I read said it's too short and narrow for older toddlers? I do know a few people who own them. Will maybe see if ic an borrow and try out. Those are definitely more in line with the budget. That's a good idea. I should probably try them out before completely something off!
    I haven't tried the kinderpack or other carriers to compare. I remember it was doable as long as he leaned into me a little instead of diving backwards. I couldn't carry him that way indefinitely but I'd imagine that's true with any carrier immediately postpartum!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbbhb View Post
    I totally agree about the boba air. So uncomfortable, I sent mine back. I love my kinder pack, maybe you can find a used one?
    Even used KPs are $160 and up.

  9. #9
    lizzywednesday is offline Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by calebsmama03 View Post
    Even used KPs are $160 and up.
    Yeah, I know. They retail for $175 shipped, but if you will be using them for a long time, it's worth every penny. To me, it was an investment piece, so I willingly paid that amount.

    Again, please check out the Boba 3G. I think you will get similar features to the KP - longer body, wider base, etc. - for less $$.

    QuirkyBaby has a "try before you buy" program, which I've linked in the store name (just click.)

    FrogMama has a carrier trade-in program.

    They might be your best options for trying something out without having to make a major investment.
    DD (3/2010)

    "Make mistakes! Get messy!" - Miss Frizzle

  10. #10
    meljc is offline Copper level (50+ posts)
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    Have you considered the Ergo Stowaway? We use ours with our 28lb 28mo old. The torso is a little short, but still totally do-able. My husband uses it for hours at a time when we travel and I am ok for ~an hour at a time (limited only by back problems). In addition to packability, we both find the materials more comfortable than the classic Ergo. How about this one at NBD for $76?

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