Quote Originally Posted by LBW View Post
IME NJ districts are very hit or miss when it comes to G&T. My district, for example has NO G&T program. We also have 1/2 day K, and I would say there's essentially no math instruction.

Rutgers offers G&T testing services: http://umg.umdnj.edu/public/clinical...m=instdev/tgcc

For enrichment, you might want to look into the Montclair University program: http://www.montclair.edu/provost/new...rticleID=11679

or this program in Glen Rock: http://giftedchildsociety.com/

There's lots of info on the Hoagies page. I find the forums helpful, too. http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/

If you want to look into online courses, check out the JHU CTY program: http://cty.jhu.edu/
They have self-paced mathematics courses that could be enough to supplement what your son is learning in school.

Another fun enrichment option is learning programming. Scratch is fun and pretty easy for kids to use: http://scratch.mit.edu/
My brother and friends did the enrichment program at Montclair State during elementary. They did it in the later grades. Fwiw, those kids ended up going to Princeton, MIT and Pomona.

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