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I am thinking of giving this as a gift to a coworker who recently had a baby. My concern is that they registered for a Bjorn, but I know from experience that the ergo would be so much better. I'm not sure if I should get this ergo (the stacking coupons would make it a great deal) along with a gift receipt or just give them a gift card. They are first time parents, so I don't think they have experience with carriers. I had the regular ergo and loved it and from the reviews it seems this performance one is even better. What do you all think?
I haven't tried the Ergo yet, so I can't comment specifically on that. Ergos are generally regarded as good carriers, although as Queenmama pointed out, different parents and babies have different experiences. I think it would make a great gift though! And if you get it from Target and give with a gift receipt, the family can return if they aren't happy. Bjorns are not good for hip development but many parents who are unaware of this use them because of the forward-facing-out position. They're still not great for that. You might want to look at gifting the Pikkolo if you think the family will want a forward facing option.
Mom to a spirited, red-headed, former 28-weeker 10/2009 and a more mellow monkey 12/2013.