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  1. #11
    TxCat is offline Emerald level (3000+ posts)
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    Jul 2010


    Agree with everyone else- you got very lucky with your first, and the fact that your second will do a five hour stretch semi-regularly at 6 weeks of age is definitely better than average - consider yourself lucky!! As for the sleeping better on an incline, a lot of new babies are like that. We used the Rock-n-Play until 3-4 months with our second, and the transition to the crib at that point was not bad at all.

    My own personal aside, I find it very frustrating that society has created this expectation that babies can and should be sleeping through the night by a few weeks of age, and if they aren't, the parents are somehow doing something wrong. My firm belief after reading up on this a ton, and watching my own kids and my friends' kids, is that biology plays a huge role and there is not much that you can do in a safe and responsible manner to alter it. Starting at 3-4 months you do want to start laying a foundation for good sleep hygiene, but before that point you're really at the mercy of your baby's innate temperament combined with the needs dictated by basic newborn physiology.
    DD1 10/2010
    DD2 8/2013
    And expecting DS1 10/2016

  2. #12
    lmh2402's Avatar
    lmh2402 is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    Oct 2008


    i think you're actually really lucky getting a five hour stretch at 6 weeks of age!

    though that doesn't make the exhaustion any easier to deal with - it's still hard and tiring. hugs, mama.

    it'll get better, in time. she sounds right on track (if not ahead of schedule) to me
    mama to my awesome sporty boy (4/09) , precocious little girl (7/12) , and loving doggies (10/05 & 1/14)

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