DS(9) has been on ADHD meds since he was 6. He is currently on 27 mg of Concerta (generic). Around kindergarten I feel like he became more withdrawn around others. In pre-school he was outgoing and had a lot of friends. He still has friends but he will rarely talk to adults and he absolutely never volunteers for anything in class, parties, etc. He also seems very irritable in the evenings (I assume the meds are wearing off). If you ask him to do something and he doesn't want to do it he has a complete melt-down and if you threaten to punish him sometimes he gets very angry and will sometimes cry and then throw stuff, etc.

I feel like it's the ADHD meds that are making him this way but DH thinks it's just his age and that he is testing us, etc. It's such a double-edged sword because without the meds he would never be doing so well in school but I feel like he is sad or unhappy a lot of the time. Maybe it's the Concerta and we should try a different medication? I know we did Tenex and Strattera in the beginning and they didn't work as well at helping him focus in school. Has anyone with kids on Concerta noticed a change in their kid's personality? What ADHD meds should we consider switching too?