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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default Infantino Carrier?


    I'm looking for an affordable carrier to register for and/or purchase, and I saw the Infantino Flip Front or Rear Facing Baby Carrier at Target. Has anyone tried this one? It's affordable for us if we don't get it as a gift, besides the fact that I already feel guilty asking for a couple other high priced items that have been highly recommended, and I like that the baby can face in, out, or can be worn on the back when he's old enough. However, we might want to register for a higher end carrier if this particular one wears out soon, is uncomfortable, or in some other way isn't worth getting. Any input is appreciated! Here's the link to the item on


  2. #2
    lizzywednesday is offline Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    Central NJ


    I haven't tried it personally, but I was not interested in the FFO position - in my experience, by the time a baby has enough head/neck/trunk support, they can go onto your back, which is more ergonomic for the wearer.

    There are a few schools of thought about whether the narrower base carriers can be harmful for babies with tendencies to hip displasia, so you may hear about that, too. I personally would limit time spent in a narrow-based carrier, but my family is prone to hip issues (my mother had her hip replaced last year and she'll only be 60 in October) so I was fairly cautious.

    Here's an explanation to help you clarify what I mean:

    We registered for a lot of high-end stuff, too, and the only person who felt badly about it was my DH. People have budgeted to give you a nice gift, so don't let the price-tags scare you! (Also, most registries also offer a completion discount which may bring a more expensive carrier into reachable range.)

    I would recommend the LilleBaby Complete as an alternative, since it does all the things the Infantino does, but is a bit better quality with a wider range of body types that work with it; several vendors online sell them, but I always recommend QuirkyBaby because I've met the owners and learned from them:
    DD (3/2010)

    "Make mistakes! Get messy!" - Miss Frizzle

  3. #3
    TwoBees is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by lizzywednesday View Post
    II would recommend the LilleBaby Complete as an alternative, since it does all the things the Infantino does, but is a bit better quality with a wider range of body types that work with it; several vendors online sell them, but I always recommend QuirkyBaby because I've met the owners and learned from them:
    The Lillebaby Complete is AWESOME. I have the Airflow (all mesh) and it's nice and cool (as far as babywearing goes). I hightly, highly recommend it. Quirkybaby is also awesome and the owner is a doll. I believe she has a few Lillebaby Complete carriers (not the airflow) in her clearance section right now.

    Infantino does make an ergonomic option, it's called the Union. I think it is $40 or $50. They also have a Mei Tai called the Sash which is really well liked on the facebook babywearing pages and can be purchased at Target, Walmart, etc for $25-$35, some people have even found them on clearance for less. Both of these are recommended over a narrow based carrier, which will become uncomfortable for you as baby gets heavier.

    There are also some great swap/for sale groups for carriers on facebook as well.

    Infantino Union, which is currently less than the one in your link:
    Infantino Sash, which is usually priced higher in store, but Target will price match their online price:
    Quirkybaby's clearance page:

    And finally, WELCOME to the BBB!
    Mom to a spirited, red-headed, former 28-weeker 10/2009 and a more mellow monkey 12/2013.

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