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  1. #1

    Default Sleep regression at 8 months questions

    Hi my wife and I are new here and had our first child together 8 months ago. My daughter is going through what my wife Googled as sleep regression where my little one has so many ideas and things going through her head that she just can't sleep. I just want to know if this is normal. My daughter sometimes naps during the day for maybe 2 hours in total out of 3 small naps she used to nap for 4 hours in total. She usually goes to bed at 9_930 lately she's been going to sleep at 1130-100 one night she slept maybe an hour at a time for a total of 3 hours and stayed up till 5am then slept till nine. This stressed my wife and I due to the lack of sleep we got on account of it and caused me to have to miss work due to the lack of sleep being a safety hazard. Now the only way my wife can get my little one to sleep is by rocking her and holding her till she's out then coddling her all night beside her on the couch or bed. Before this my daughter slept in her crib all night waking up maybe 1-3 times just being hungry or wet. Were just at wits ends and taking it out on each other which isn't good.

  2. #2
    BDKmom is offline Sapphire level (2000+ posts)
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    Atlanta, GA


    How long has this been going on? Could she be teething or in some other kind of pain? Ear infection maybe? That little sleep isn't typical in my experience unless something else is going on. Especially if she has been a decent sleeper until now. Growth spurts can be tough too. If it continues, I think I would take her in to rule out ear infection. How is she eating?
    DS - Feb 2010
    DD - May 2012

  3. #3


    She's eating normally she isn't running a fever or anything. Or grabbing at her ears. Teething maybe but she usually slept pretty good even while teething

  4. #4


    It's been going on for about a week week and a half

  5. #5
    BDKmom is offline Sapphire level (2000+ posts)
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    Atlanta, GA


    Is she crawling yet? Maybe she's getting ready to. Mine usually had some sleep disruption right before hitting a new milestone.

    At this point she is also probably overtired, so the sleep issues just snowball. I would do whatever necessary to get her some solid hours of sleep, even if that meant holding her or cosleeping. Just to help her reset her schedule.

    Also, though everyone had different feelings on this, I personally would try some Tylenol and see if that helps.

    Whatever it is, I hope it sorts itself out quickly. I know how awful the sleep deprivation is and how frustrating it can be when you don't know what else to do.
    DS - Feb 2010
    DD - May 2012

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2014


    I'll probably start my own thread too, but I've been going through something similar... although in our case our just-8 months old daughter has a) never been a good sleeper - catnaps (<= 30-40 minutes) at best except maybe once or twice a week, and b) not at bad as the OP described. Last night she was up a few times, including one extended period from 11:20 to after 1 where she did not want to be put down.

    For the OP, one way to check if it's teething pain if to try some ibuprofen (motrin/advil) (or acetaminophen/Tylenol, but I find that less effective) for a night and see if there's a big difference.

    If it's not it may be a developmental or otherwise personality... have you guys tried any sleep training techniques (gentle or otherwise)? Keep in mind that while you may not like the idea (although gentle techniques shouldn't raise objections), neither is it good a baby to have exhausted parents who aren't getting along over it.

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