I had a Lilliebaby SSC with my son and didn't like it all that much. It made my shoulders ache. I wore my son for up to about a year old, then basically stopped.
Now I'm considering my options for my next child (due in a few months). I was thinking maybe this half buckle would be the best of both worlds for me--it would have the ease of use of the buckle for at least one part, and then the straps could be adjusted.
I also thought about a Beco--but thought it might have the same issues as the lilliebaby. It does have better straps and in a better position, but I don't know if it will be different enough.
My other thought was a Moby or Baby K'tan, but I think I'd end up only wearing those in the house. I live in a city and don't have a car, so I need something easy to put on quickly, and that will last for a while.
Any thoughts?