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Thread: Half buckle?

  1. #1
    adler is offline Copper level (50+ posts)
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    Default Half buckle?

    I had a Lilliebaby SSC with my son and didn't like it all that much. It made my shoulders ache. I wore my son for up to about a year old, then basically stopped.
    Now I'm considering my options for my next child (due in a few months). I was thinking maybe this half buckle would be the best of both worlds for me--it would have the ease of use of the buckle for at least one part, and then the straps could be adjusted.

    I also thought about a Beco--but thought it might have the same issues as the lilliebaby. It does have better straps and in a better position, but I don't know if it will be different enough.

    My other thought was a Moby or Baby K'tan, but I think I'd end up only wearing those in the house. I live in a city and don't have a car, so I need something easy to put on quickly, and that will last for a while.

    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    lizzywednesday is offline Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    You might have had the Lillebaby hiked too high on your body - the waist belt should rest at the top of your hips, like a low-slung belt.

    Anyway, if you felt the Lillebaby was uncomfortable, I would totally try the half-buckle.

    A Moby or K'Tan isn't going to be much good beyond the newborn squishy phase - they're stretchy, so you have to tie them tighter than you think AND they're only supportive to about 20 lbs before you need to upgrade.

    You may also want to search for a babywearing group in your area; most bigger cities have at least one that meets regularly - I know NYC has the Carry On Babywearers as well as a smaller group that's run out of Caribou Baby (a baby gear shop in, I think, Brooklyn), for example.

    You can get more info at The Babywearer: - look under the "Local" tab, then narrow by your region.
    DD (3/2010)

    "Make mistakes! Get messy!" - Miss Frizzle

  3. #3
    TwoBees is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    Have you tried the new Lillebaby complete? I think it was a total redesign and also comes with lumbar support. I love mine!

    I also love an older angelpack that I have and have been interested in trying a half-buckle.

    What part of the straps were you unable to adjust on your Lillebaby? The shoulder straps of some SSCs adjust more than others.
    Mom to a spirited, red-headed, former 28-weeker 10/2009 and a more mellow monkey 12/2013.

  4. #4
    adler is offline Copper level (50+ posts)
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    Thanks! I really appreciate the advice.
    I'll have to try it on again and see where it hits me. I think the belt was in the right place, but I wanted the shoulder straps to go much lower. I tried my friend's beco, and it seemed a lot better. The crossed straps were great and they were lower. But I tried it on without a baby in it, so I'm not sure if they were low enough. That's why I thought maybe the half buckle would be ideal. I guess it's between the beco or half buckle, then.

    Are the padded straps on the Beco really a lot more comfortable than the mei tai straps? Is that any reason to pick one over the other?

  5. #5
    TwoBees is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    You can cross the straps on the Lillebaby Complete.
    Mom to a spirited, red-headed, former 28-weeker 10/2009 and a more mellow monkey 12/2013.

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