I'm about 34 weeks along, and about a month ago I almost slipped one night and caught myself. I think that's when the pain in my left upper leg (right where my leg meets my lower belly...groin area?) started. It wasn't too bad at first and really only hurt at night. By now it's gotten worse. I have asked my Dr about it, and he said its common to develop pain in that region, particularly only in one side, and that there's really nothing I can do about it, and that it'll likely get worse. So, it has gotten worse... It's not horrible during the day, particularly if I'm not overdoing it, but at night OMG it hurts to lay on. I can't lay on my back, and even laying on the other side hurts sometimes. My OBGYN said I could take tylenol for it, but I'm just wondering if there's anything else I could do. Have you guys had this during your pregnancies? Should I ask another dr, a GP maybe, for suggestions? I'm nearing the home stretch, but hate dealing with this every night, and really hate taking tylenol every night (even though I was told it's ok). Some days it's so bad I can't even walk well up the stairs, which is awful when you have another toddler to take care of! Any suggestions would be appreciated. :-)