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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Saint Augustine, FL

    Default Looking into making hair bows

    Hello all you crafty mamas!

    My first DD is going to be born in March (already have 2 DS!) and I am wanting to learn how to make bows. I can do a simple flat boutique bow (I think that is what its called) but I am looking to expand my selections. Here is what I am looking for advise wise:

    Cheapest place to get ribbons
    How and what to do with Satin ribbon. Right now I am using Grosgrain ribbon.
    Tutorials on how to do other bows. I don't sew so it would need to be done with glue!

    Any other advise or ideas you have, send them my way!

    I am having fun and trying not to go over board by buying to much ribbon. I am just so excited to finally be having a baby girl!!

  2. #2
    meira is offline Copper level (50+ posts)
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Hi. I make bows too- I sell at local events and on Etsy. I learned everything on YouTube. It just takes practice and patience.
    I only use Grossgrain, so no advice for you on what to do with Satin ribbon.
    I don't have a cheap ribbon supplier anymore, the quality went way downhill, so I need to find a new place - I'll be checking here for ideas.
    I do really like for fun prints and every color of Grossgrain possible. They always have some kind of sale going on and ship pretty fast.
    Etsy is another great place to look for ribbon.
    Hope this helps, let me know if you have any other questions.

  3. #3
    ArizonaGirl is offline Sapphire level (2000+ posts)
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    Aug 2008


    I have an site that taught me how to do it.

    You can make head bands too.

    I get my grosgrain ribbon at Joann's or Michaels craft stores.

    Good luck

    Married to DH June 2005 gave birth to Shawn December 2008 and Lilian August 2012

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Saint Augustine, FL


    Meira, What is your etsy shop link? I would love to see your bows.

    Thanks for the info! So far, I am only good at the one type of bow. I would love to check out some YouTube videos, but what would I even search under? As you can see, I am really new to this bow stuff! Its only been trains, cars and trucks around here for so long that I never even had to think this kind of stuff before!

    ArizonaGirl - I saw this site and have it pinned. I just ordered the clips for these types of bows and will be working on some of these next! The headbands look really cute!
    Last edited by Zoey187; 11-14-2014 at 07:12 PM.

  5. #5
    meira is offline Copper level (50+ posts)
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    I don't remember any of the people I watched, but the ribbon site I mentioned before has a few tutorials. On YouTube search boutique bows or try corkers, they are the curly ones, easy and cute. You can also use Pinterest for inspiration and instructions.
    If you are interested in baby headbands. This store has a great selection of elastic and flowers:
    My shop is dadoo hair accessories, check my Facebook page for other ideas too!

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