I need help. My baby will not sleep by himself! He only wants to be in a baby carrier or nursed until completely passed out ( at which point I may or may not successfully transfer him to his own crib).

Aren't babies this young supposed to be sleepy? I tried many times to put him down to sleep when he's awake but sleepy but he cries bloody murder. The longest I've let him cry is about 10-15min. I've gotten him to sleep after 15min of full blown crying, only to have him wake after 20min or so to another round of intense crying.

When I nurse him to sleep and don't transfer him successfully, he'll cry and cry and cry.

He's not especially spitty (no projectile vomit, etc)- though he does spit up some and is gaseous. I don't think he has reflux but I am just trying to figure out why he doesn't like sleeping. Oh and he's been like this since the beginning. Even the first week of life he would cry if he wasn't held.

I feel like I am sleep walking. I am desperate for more hours of sleep. Please help! Any one relate? Any ideas at all or would be much appreciated.