Hi, ds1's teacher and therapist both agree we need to get a 504 plan together for ds1 before the end of the school year. It was actually agreed apon last conference several months ago. Nothing has been done since that time (to my knowledge). I have conferences with his teacher again tomorrow. What do I need to do to get this process going? Can the teacher and I just put one together? The teacher is very pregnant and I need to get it done before she takes maternity leave. She stated that she was going to get going on it and get back to me. I have realised I am going to need to get more involved in this process to get it accomplished I think. I am just starting to research the 504 plan and noticed tempates online. Are there any you would recomend for a kindergardener with anxiety (diagnosed) and general attention/sensory seeking Iissues? Any do's and do nots of a 504 or general info ? Thanks