My girls came home with their own copies of this (yay for their summer camp program!) and dove right in. DD2 (6.5 years but reads on much higher level) has been soaking it up and DD1 (reads at her age level) has been soaking it up too (when it's read aloud to her) because it is written comic book style.

We've been reading them separately with each of the girls so they can move at their own pace. I'm impressed by how much my DD2 actually understood from reading it on her own (she even explained some parts to me that I didn't catch at first!).

It is an autobiography, written from the POV of a little girl who loses her hearing due to spinal meningitis. It's really eye-opening to me and a sweet, powerful story. The author does an amazing job with the illustrations and word art to convey different things. Lots of thought bubbles vs speech bubbles.

We're only about 1/4 way through it but I can tell it will soon hit upon some more "serious" issues so if you're sensitive to that, you may want to read it first so you can be prepared to answer questions. And we did come across the word "hell" (stuff like that doesn't bother me, I just explain it to the girls). So far I'm blown away - what an amazing book!!