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  1. #1
    Nemesia is offline Silver level (200+ posts)
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    Default Boba 3G vs Tula Toddler or Kinderpack

    My dd is 2 years old and 27 pounds. We used and loved our Boba 3G for a long time. Recently, she started to get too heavy for the front carry to feel comfortable and she doesn't like being on my back nearly as much.

    Should I try either the Tula Toddler or the Kinderpack? Are they going to make a big difference in comfort (both for dd and myself)?

    Any BTDT?

  2. #2
    georgiegirl is online now Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    The toddler Tula is HUGE! How tall is your DD?
    Ds2 is 26 lbs and 34" (just turned 2) and he fits into the standard Tula just fine. Regular kinder pack is bigger than standard Tula. Another option is the toddler Lenny lamb, which is beautiful. Can you try any carriers on? Do you have a local baby wearing group?
    DD (3/06)
    DS1 (7/09)
    DS2 (8/13)

  3. #3
    Nemesia is offline Silver level (200+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by georgiegirl View Post
    The toddler Tula is HUGE! How tall is your DD?
    Ds2 is 26 lbs and 34" (just turned 2) and he fits into the standard Tula just fine. Regular kinder pack is bigger than standard Tula. Another option is the toddler Lenny lamb, which is beautiful. Can you try any carriers on? Do you have a local baby wearing group?
    She's 36 inches tall. I don't have the ability to go and try carriers on, unfortunately. We're leaving very soon for a lengthy overseas trip, so I'm trying to purchase something before we leave.

    I will take a look at the Lenny Lamb. Thanks!

  4. #4
    Katigre is offline Emerald level (3000+ posts)
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    Tula is more comfortable/supportive than the Boba 3G. I am torn on whether you'd want the toddler or standard though - my 3yo is 33 lbs and 36" tall and he is able to fit in the Standard Tula (though it's only comfortable for about 1/2 hour). A toddler Tula would fit him well and probably let me wear him for longer.

    I'm surprised you're doing front carries with a 2 yo - have you tried back carries?
    Mom of 4: Boy (10), Girl (7), Boy (4), Girl (2)

  5. #5
    georgiegirl is online now Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    At 36" a toddler Tula would be good. It's huge though.
    DD (3/06)
    DS1 (7/09)
    DS2 (8/13)

  6. #6
    Nemesia is offline Silver level (200+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katigre View Post
    Tula is more comfortable/supportive than the Boba 3G. I am torn on whether you'd want the toddler or standard though - my 3yo is 33 lbs and 36" tall and he is able to fit in the Standard Tula (though it's only comfortable for about 1/2 hour). A toddler Tula would fit him well and probably let me wear him for longer.

    I'm surprised you're doing front carries with a 2 yo - have you tried back carries?
    She loves to ride in our Kelty backpack carrier when we go hiking, but for whatever reason does not like riding on my back in the Boba 3G. I wondered if it was a comfort issue for her, and if another soft carrier would be better. We don't want to bring our Kelty overseas.

    I would like to carry her on my back now that she is bigger/heavier.

  7. #7
    jbbhb's Avatar
    jbbhb is offline Platinum level (1000+ posts)
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    I love my kinderpack but they are harder to get. I can comfortably carry my 45 lb 3 and 5 year olds. There are a ton for sale on the kinderpack b/s/t Facebook page if you don't mind buying second hand.

  8. #8
    Nemesia is offline Silver level (200+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbbhb View Post
    I love my kinderpack but they are harder to get. I can comfortably carry my 45 lb 3 and 5 year olds. There are a ton for sale on the kinderpack b/s/t Facebook page if you don't mind buying second hand.
    I don't mind buying second hand. Thanks for the tip! I see several different kinderpack b/s/t Facebook pages.... is there a specific one that has a lot for sale?

  9. #9
    jbbhb's Avatar
    jbbhb is offline Platinum level (1000+ posts)
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    This is the one I belong to-

    Kindercarry stocks on Thursdays at 10am PST. I happy to help you try if you let me know what pattern you want.

  10. #10
    Nemesia is offline Silver level (200+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbbhb View Post
    This is the one I belong to-

    Kindercarry stocks on Thursdays at 10am PST. I happy to help you try if you let me know what pattern you want.

    You are so kind! Thank you! I tried just now, and did not get one. I had no idea how wildly popular they are!

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