The most recent thread I found was back from 2011. What are the current favorites for waterproof mattress pads? We're about to transition our DD from her toddler bed to a twin. We just bought the frame & mattress today, but still need to put it together so I've got a bit of time before the mattress will actually be in use.

As an interim, I bought a NATTLIG and a couple LEN while we were at Ikea today. Between those and the ones we've been using on the crib that should be fine until we get something better if it turns out that there's something with fabulous recommendations.

DD is not yet potty trained, but we're starting that in the run up to the new year so that she can hopefully go to preschool after the first of the year. She has a rather nice mattress, so I'd much prefer to keep it fluid free as much as possible.