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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Default Toddler with shaky hands. Worried dad

    My 2 year old son just started developing a shaky hand when he attempts to feed himself or use his left hand. Anytime he is trying to use his left hand for anything, it starts shaking. This has been progressively getting worse for about 3 weeks. He is also very shaky throughout his body when he wakes up in the morning or from a nap. Has anyone else had this issue? We went to his PD today and they took some blood. We also have an appointment with a neurologist. If anyone has had any experience with this, please let me know.

  2. #2
    Philly Mom is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    Did your ped tell you to also make an appointment with an endocrinologist? It may be worthwhile to get your hands on a monitor and take blood sugar when you see shaking. We had a shaking issue (not the same) and our ped got us emergency appointments with neurology and endocrinology. For us, it was hypoglycemia. I believe blood sugar should be between 70-120(?). My DD had blood sugar levels that would drop below 60 if she didn't eat enough and she would shake.

    When is your neurology appointment? If it is not immediate, make your ped, get you an emergency appointment. They can do that.

  3. #3
    citymama is offline Pink Diamond level (15,000+ posts)
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    I can imagine you are worried. I hope you get some answers soon. Please keep us posted.

    for Sandy Hook

  4. #4
    jren is offline Platinum level (1000+ posts)
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    Default Toddler with shaky hands. Worried dad

    When my DD was having some worrisome neurological symptoms, her pediatrician ordered an MRI. She said that she could get us in for that test quickly and then if it was anything then the neuro would have to take us sooner. Otherwise, it was a wait to see the neuro, only to have them order the MRI. I would push for the pediatrician to order an MRI since it's predominately occurring on the left side.

    FWIW, my DD's issue ended up just being epilepsy which lasted 4 years. She's now seizure free.

    Sorry to keep editing! The ped also ordered an EEG, which showed the seizures. The MRI ruled out other things.

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    Last edited by jren; 12-04-2015 at 07:13 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2015


    Thank you all for responding so quickly. I will try to have the pediatrician order an MRI ASAP. Since we only have HMO insurance, the earliest we could get in with a pediatric neurologist is January 12. She did not mention going to a endocrinologist. The shakes only happen when he is trying to use his hand for feeding or pressing a button. It is very bizarre. He has been very healthy since birth and this just came out of nowhere. Thanks again all!

  6. #6
    Philly Mom is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    Feb 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by dang5k View Post
    Thank you all for responding so quickly. I will try to have the pediatrician order an MRI ASAP. Since we only have HMO insurance, the earliest we could get in with a pediatric neurologist is January 12. She did not mention going to a endocrinologist. The shakes only happen when he is trying to use his hand for feeding or pressing a button. It is very bizarre. He has been very healthy since birth and this just came out of nowhere. Thanks again all!
    I don't think they will order the MRI without first doing an EEG. They don't like to do MRIs on toddlers because they need to be sedated. My DD had one but she had seizures as a newborn so they did it then. When her subsequent symptoms appeared, they didn't want to do another MRI without seeing the EEG and knowing they needed to do one. So be prepared if the doc says no. Call and ask the neurologist and get on the cancellation list. Again, ask your ped if they have any contacts to get you in earlier. Even with an hmo your ped may be able to help. If it gets worse, go to your nearest pediatric ER. They will then probably have to run the tests.

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2015


    We just got a call from the doctor and the blood results were all normal. Although it is great news; we are now overly concerned because the focus will now be on the brain and spine. The doctor is going to make an emergency appointment on Monday with the Neurologist. I appreciate the help everyone.

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