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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    My DD2 was in the same situation. She napped in a pull up every day up until Aug 2015. That's when she moved up to the Pre-k room and no pull ups were allowed. We just hoped for the best knowing they would make sure kids went potty right before nap time. Turns out she stayed dry more times than not!!! She is still not night-trained even though she's been day trained since 2. But this entire school year she's had less than 10 accidents during nap time.
    I'm sure they've had this situation before and know to expect some accidents... just make sure you have plenty of extra clothes and good luck!
    dd1 3/09
    dd2 9/11

  2. #12
    abh5e8 is offline Emerald level (3000+ posts)
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    My boys are both on the later side. Ds will be 8 in Aug and was wet every night. Super deep sleeper. Dry days from age 2. We had success thus spring with the malan alarm. Dr was not worried, but said we could try it. Took about a month. We are using it now with ds 2, almost age 6. He does not take regular naps, but will usually be wet if he falls asleep in the car.
    loving my dh and our littles (dd ~ 11 yrs, ds ~ 9 yrs, ds ~ 7 yrs, dd ~ 5 yrs and baby brother ~ 20 mo)

  3. #13
    mmsmom is offline Emerald level (3000+ posts)
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Adding to the chorus that it is not something that can be trained. Everyone is different... DD night was dry during naps and night around age 3. DS was not night trained until we used the alarm at 7.5 because he wanted to. 4 is way too young for the alarm. There really isn't anything you can do besides having her go before nap time. I'd be wary of a program that expected all 4 year olds to be dry while they slept.

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