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  1. #1
    trcy is offline Ruby level (4000+ posts)
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    Default Bib that DS can't pull off?

    DS pulls bibs off the second I put them on. Is there a bib out there that I can keep on him. All I can find are the Velcro closures. That is no challenge for him.

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    DD 12/10
    DS 10/15

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    I got some Sesame Street ones (I think) from either target or Walmart (both had them, not sure which was cheaper) that pulled over the head. Also got some that were a flexible silicone type material that fastened in a different way that was harder to pull off those were from either target or babies r us. Eventually we gave up and stopped making him wear them.

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    DS 2/14
    DD 8/17

  3. #3
    pharmjenn is offline Platinum level (1000+ posts)
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    Babies R Us used to (when DS was an infant) have the ones that you pull over the head in all sorts of seasonal designs.
    You can also use a dish or hand towel and cut a hole in the top half. A handy person would put a edge into it, but since towels can be purchased cheap, I didn't worry about throwing them away after a few uses if the stitching starting coming out.
    mom to Billy 12/07

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Pull over style (I think these were cheaper at Walmart):

    Different fastener style:

    It was a phase that DS went through for a while, then he went back to being ok with the velcro ones, then he decided he was done with bibs of any sort and there was nothing we could do to get him to wear any kind after that...
    DS 2/14
    DD 8/17

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