So, my kids are 10 and 13. Both kids have minimal homework (that's a whole other story). Dd loves music and will listen to music and sometimes do some form of dance for short periods. Ds loves to read, and does read a lot. They have some chores. However, other than that, neither kid has anything they do around the house other than screen time. I still limit their device/internet time. I used to have more limits on tv, but now only restrict it in the middle of the for several hours on weekend mornings..and I mean several as my kids are early risers---and for a couple in the evenings they watch tv. It just seems like too much. However, I really don't have them anything to redirect them to do, as dd does a good amount of dance and ds does a good amount of reading...there's not a whole lot else they will do. We play board games as a family sometimes...but I really don't feel like I should have to entertain them at this age.