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  1. #1
    boilermakermom is offline Bargain Alerts forum moderator
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    Default Assisted Living to Nursing Home

    My 90 year old grandma was admitted to the hospital 3 weeks ago. She should be discharged soon, and will not go back to assisted living. She needs rehab and then a nursing home.

    Any questions we should be asking in terms of picking a good facility?

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    rlu is offline Ruby level (4000+ posts)
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    If she's local, I would start mentioning it to everyone you see that you are looking for a good place. Word of mouth is everything when finding the right place.

    My mom was in two different rehab centers - one we recommend, one we don't. On paper they look about the same.
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  3. #3
    KpbS's Avatar
    KpbS is online now Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    Oftentimes a specific rehab is connected to a hospital and that is a smoother move for patients discharged from the hospital since staff can be familiar with physicians, records, etc. I would begin calling around now to find nursing homes that have openings. Does she have any long-term care insurance? Is she connected to a local church? If so some members of the church congregation most likely have had experience with various facilities and could give you their impressions of the various options.

    Sending hugs.

  4. #4
    lizzywednesday is offline Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by rlu View Post

    My mom was in two different rehab centers - one we recommend, one we don't. On paper they look about the same.

    Except it was for my Nana.
    DD (3/2010)

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  5. #5
    legaleagle is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    Probably too late, but the hospital social workers are often a good resource as well re: rehab. For my job, I work with geriatric social workers in private practice who are invaluable at assisting in placement decisions, both rehab and assisted living/nursing homes.

    I hope your grandmother is doing well.

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