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  1. #1
    hbridge is offline Emerald level (3000+ posts)
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    Jul 2006

    Default Accident in an adult dog :(

    We just came in from some errands and our sweet 50# 3 year old dog had accidents in the kitchen. He is gated in the kitchen area and there were three small puddles when we got home! He hasn't had an accident since he was about 4 months old! All I can think of is that he ate a lot of snow while out playing earlier while DH was working outside. DH is not good at reminding him to pee when he goes out to play, so he may have "forgotten to". He had just come in an hour before we left so we had all assumed he would be fine for the two hours we were gone!

    Since DC walked through it not realizing there was pee on the floor, it just took me over an hour to clean and mop. I'm still concerned I didn't get it all and it will smell like urine, causing him to have other accidents...

    Could he be sick? I will call the vet on Monday, but I am VERY concerned. Last week was a busy week for him with training and a trip to the groomer, I fear he could have picked up something.

    Any suggestions or ideas?

  2. #2
    trcy is offline Ruby level (4000+ posts)
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    Poss a UTI. If he was kenneled for a while at the groomers and had to hold it, that could cause a UTI.

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  3. #3
    hbridge is offline Emerald level (3000+ posts)
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    He wasn't kenneled at the groomers... He was only there for 3 hours...

  4. #4
    cuca_ is offline Emerald level (3000+ posts)
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    I would have the vet rule out a UTI. When we first got one of our dogs, she kept having accidents all over the house despite being house broken. It turned out she had a UTI.

  5. #5
    mikala is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    I have a different perspective. So far you've seen one cluster of accidents once. It's possible that it's something and it's also entirely possible it is a fluke. Just as I wouldn't take a potty trained child to the doctor for a single pee accident to wouldn't take a dog to the vet for one. Id wait and see, make sure he follows his normal potty routine today and has ample opportunity to go outside. Hopefully it's just a one time thing!

  6. #6
    hbridge is offline Emerald level (3000+ posts)
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    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by mikala View Post
    I have a different perspective. So far you've seen one cluster of accidents once. It's possible that it's something and it's also entirely possible it is a fluke. Just as I wouldn't take a potty trained child to the doctor for a single pee accident to wouldn't take a dog to the vet for one. Id wait and see, make sure he follows his normal potty routine today and has ample opportunity to go outside. Hopefully it's just a one time thing!
    That's what DH thinks. He had played out in the snow for about an hour and was in for an hour before we left. We wonder if he ate a ton of snow and just needed to go too badly to hold it. Poor guy!

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