I am going to be traveling alone by plane with my 4 y/o and my 3 mo old. We already have a vista and a valco snap both with car seat adaptors. Since I will have both kids and both car seats I am trying to simplify everything as much as possible. My DH thinks I am nuts, but I am thinking about getting another stroller. The uppababy is too heavy for me to travel with. Plus I would have to choose seat vs car seat since I couldn't manage the seat and the adaptor. The snap would be perfect, but it doesn't fold with the adaptor on and that seems like a big hassle. I was thinking about getting the mountain buggy nano. I have never seen it in person. It is expensive, but we travel a lot and may be worth it for the convenience. It appears to have everything my other two strollers lack. It is light and folds up small. And I can attach the car seat without the need for an adaptor. My question is about using the seat. There will be days the infant will be in the stroller for long periods of time. I do not like leaving her in the car seat that long and would prefer to use the stroller seat. I am unsure if I can do that with the nano. It does recline, but does not appear to go completely flat. Is that ok for a 3 mo old? If it is not, and I am going to have to keep her in the car seat the whole day it may just be better to get a cheap snap and go. We wouldn't get nearly as much use out of it, but it's also a lot cheaper.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
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