Not kid related.

We are chronically short staffed at work. About a year ago, we got an inquiry from a new graduate who didn't start a job right after completing training (red flag #1). We interviewed her and I remembered having a random negative interaction with her at a meeting a long while back (I have a crazy good memory for such things, and don't often have random negative interactions with strangers, so this was weird). I didn't really like her all that much in the interview, but everyone else thought she was fine, she could start right away and she could help with some of the work we had been struggling to find time to do.

So she started 6 months ago and within 2 weeks it was obvious (to me) that she was not a good fit. My boss took longer to come around but by the summer, it was out of control. It was a good week when we only got several complaining emails from her about what she had to do, how unfair things were, how people were disrespectful to her, etc. She was frankly mean to the people she was supposed to be supervising (told them they were unfit for their job, criticized their fashion sense, told them they were not as good as people she used to work with, etc.) And she wasn't even all that good at her job, but at least she was a warm body doing work. But she was such a personal hassle that I often wished she would just quit and leave.

A few weeks ago, she made a mistake. A fairly big one. I was in a position to catch her mistake but I didn't. Not on purpose, but because it wasn't my responsibility to be supervising her. But I could have realized what she was doing and stopped her. After the mistake she attempted to cover her tracks. This is a BIG mistake. Everyone sometimes makes mistakes, but lying to cover oneself made it 1000 times worse.

So as of Friday she is on "administrative leave" and probably will get fired. She will likely have trouble finding a new job in this field with this being her only employment history out of school. I feel so guilty about this. I know it isn't my fault, but I'm having a hard time letting it go.