... scream, delete my Facebook account, and commit patricide. That is, if I don't decide to defect to some place without internet or parents.

My father is in the process of divorcing his wife. He's currently living with my brother and sister-in-law. My brother is happy that he has the room, but he also said at my nephew's birthday party last weekend that "it's been a week and that's too long." (I agree; even if I'd had the room, I wouldn't have had the room.)

My mother's worldview has been warped by that of her husband, her only source of information and judgment, which led to her posting an incredibly racially offensive meme and follow-up article on her FB timeline that led to my sister-in-law blocking Mom (and telling her that she would not be seeing her grandsons, who are half-Cuban ...) "without warning."

(In my opinion, that kind of thing doesn't require warning. You should already know it's wrong.)

Which leaves me ... receiving texts about all of it.

Mostly, I don't answer. Yesterday, as I predicted when the block and anger happened (I was ready to block, too), Mom expressed being "heartbroken" about the lack of invitation to the nephew-party in a text to me.

I'm not proud of it, but for my own mental health, I deflected it as something that's between my SIL and Mom. I feel like a coward for it because I got angry all over again because I can't find the words to explain, in a rational and factual manner, why what she posted is not only offensive but also twisted, evil, and racist.

At least with Dad, I'm only getting basic facts, like when did he marry the soon-to-be-ex-wife (March 2013), and that he's still got the same phone number, but with Mom ... I get emotions.

They both need friends. And a lot of therapy. And neither of them have the financial means to get the latter.

I'm emotionally exhausted.