We have an older version of this, DDs and I all use it. (I just used it to trim some "Old Italian Lady" hairs on my chin/below my lip.) Quick and easy.
We have an older version of this, DDs and I all use it. (I just used it to trim some "Old Italian Lady" hairs on my chin/below my lip.) Quick and easy.
"Every mother needs a wife." - Amy Poehler, Yes Please
Thank you all very much for sharing tips and links. I'm going to go over all of this with DD and let her choose what she feels most comfortable trying.
It turns out that my own mother had to deal with this... and I never knew! It wasn't when she was a teen. She starting getting dark hairs in her late 40's. She first tried bleaching the hair, and then had the hair permanently removed by laser. She said it was very quick and easy. So at some point when DD is college bound I'll see if she'd like us to pay for this.
My 14yo gets her eyebrows and upper lip threaded. I let her do it starting last year. It's $9 for both upper lip and eyebrows plus tip. She said it hurts but she has no problem getting it done. She needs it done every 4-5 weeks. I also never had this problem...but I have other issues![]()
Mom to:
DD 8/2003
DS 11/2005
Dd uses the Phillips small electric trimmer and it works out well. I use the same one.
I had hair on my lip when I was a teen. DD has it now. We've followed the same path I followed. We started by bleaching, which was fine. Also bleached her unibrow. But it was more hair than she wanted to I bought this wax set:
I waxed when I was a teen, through high school. My mom did it as well. I read about the different options, and love this set i settled on. I think it works way better than the strips. It warms up quickly, it takes the hair off, it's self contained. Really easy to use. But also, I have experience waxing! It's important to turn the applicator over and over until you can see that the wax is cooling and not dripping quickly. Apply. Wait about 15 seconds. Tap it with your nail. When it's hard, get under a corner and take it off in one pull. It does hurt a bit, but you get used to it. We now wax her lip and unibrow maybe once a month. It takes like 10 minutes total for the wax to heat up and get the whole thing done.
I eventually had laser hair removal, and I'll get that for DD when she's older as well. But probably not until high school.
DS 11/03
DD 12/05