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  1. #1
    ged is offline Gold level (500+ posts)
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    Default 13 yo DD accidentally shaved part of her eyebrow off

    She just started shaving her underarms. Learning the hard way how effective a razor can be! She's upset, but it's not horrible, and fingers crossed she'll be OK at school today. We experimented with an eyebrow pencil, but she decided to just go without. She's super active with sports, etc., and I think the fear of the pencil smearing due to sweat, etc., is a hassle to have to worry about. Though tbh, I really wouldn't know bc I never wear make-up. We had to call grandma last night to borrow an eyebrow pencil, lol. The real question is how quickly will it grow back?!?! Should we do anything to help stimulate the hair growth?

  2. #2
    lizzywednesday is offline Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by ged View Post
    ... The real question is how quickly will it grow back?!?! Should we do anything to help stimulate the hair growth?
    It'll grow back in about a week or so. Leave it alone and it'll be fine. There are some great eyebrow products nowadays that are water/sweat-proof if she changes her mind! (I don't use them, having very thick brows myself, but I have pals who do.)

    Also, thank your lucky stars she used a razor and not Nair. (Don't ask how I know.)
    DD (3/2010)

    "Make mistakes! Get messy!" - Miss Frizzle

  3. #3
    mom2binsd is offline Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    Do I dare ask how she went from shaving her underarm to eyebrow????

  4. #4
    NCGrandma is offline Emerald level (3000+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by mom2binsd View Post
    Do I dare ask how she went from shaving her underarm to eyebrow????
    My question, exactly!

    Sent from my iPad using Baby Bargains

  5. #5
    doberbrat is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    Yeah, I wouldn't bother calling it an accident.... dd1 cut hers off w/scissors. In a Vertical stripe.... in the middle of 1 brow. No clue what she was thinking. At first she denied that she even did anything Like I wasnt going to notice that giant chunk of eyebrow missing.....

    We didnt do anything about it. Its a price you pay for doing it. She wasnt the first and wont be the last. No one at school said anything that I'm aware of. We just talked about asking about proper grooming and seeking help FIRST.
    dd1 10/05
    dd2 11/09
    and ... a mini poodle!

  6. #6
    JustMe is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    I had no idea that we were not the only family to deal with this! It was a long time ago, but dd shaved off one of her eyebrows and one of ds' eyebrows. It was before she was shaving, but my sister was visiting and left her razor in the shower. Dd wanted to try it, and so she did.

    I agree they grow back really fast. I tried to get my dc to shave the other eyebrow to at least be symmetrical, but all of a sudden they were scared! Also, no one really noticed. I think they got a couple of "Hmmn, something is different about you, but I don't know what".
    lucky single mom to 21 yr old dd and 18 yr old ds through 2 very different adoption routes

  7. #7
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    My daughter shaved hers off once, and it most certainly was NOT an accident. I learned how to draw eyebrows, and it grew back quickly. It also caused her enough grief not to make that “accident” again.

  8. #8
    ged is offline Gold level (500+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by mom2binsd View Post
    Do I dare ask how she went from shaving her underarm to eyebrow????
    Haha, yes. I had the same question. She said she was just not paying attention and was moving the razor too close across her face. She also nicked some of her forehead during the clumsiness.

    Thanks for the feedback. We've pretty much just left it as is. She had a few questions from friends the first day, but said she forgot about it for most the day. I just glanced at it today, I think I am noticing some re-growth already.

  9. #9
    lizzywednesday is offline Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustMe View Post
    I had no idea that we were not the only family to deal with this! It was a long time ago, but dd shaved off one of her eyebrows and one of ds' eyebrows. It was before she was shaving, but my sister was visiting and left her razor in the shower. Dd wanted to try it, and so she did.

    If it makes you feel any better, my cousin shaved hers once, too. Again, pre-shaving and because the razor was "there."

    I had a quiet chat with her (it wasn't my razor; it happened before I visited) and said next time, if she was scared to ask her mom to take her to get her brows waxed, I'd make the drive to do it.
    DD (3/2010)

    "Make mistakes! Get messy!" - Miss Frizzle

  10. #10
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    But from underarms to eyebrows

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