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  1. #11
    mom2binsd is offline Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    The UA looks fine for the boy.

    I'd go with the regular Jansport style and a darker color for the 8th grader.

  2. #12
    KpbS's Avatar
    KpbS is offline Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    UA is still popular here for boys (not far from OP) and I too would go with a darker color bag for your DD.

  3. #13
    SASM is offline Diamond level (5000+ posts)
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnuggleBuggles View Post
    They look fine but, the thing is, "on trend" can vary so much even in the same region! What might be cool and on point at school A might be out of fashion at school B five miles away. I'd stick with running those by parents you know at the school, if you can.
    I also agree with this. At our middle school, the majority of the students use a Case-It 3" zipper binder with strap and handle coupled with an Adidas drawstring backsack for lunchbag and gym clothes. I do not really see a lot of backpacks. Our schools do not send home textbooks...everything is online. Students at our schools (MS & HS) also do not go back and forth to their lockers between classes...generally they have one binder for AM classes and one binder for afternoon classes if they do not have the large zipper binder mentioned above. DD really likes her zippered binder because she has everything with her and can avoid going to her locker at the end of the day...for the last two years she had less than ideal locker locations (bottom row, below pokey people who always arrived there first). She would almost always be cutting it close for the bus...she decided to avoid the locker all together for the most part.
    Last edited by SASM; 07-02-2018 at 12:53 AM.
    Mom to:
    1 BLUE (03) and 2 PINK (05 & 07)
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    Pardon my typos...blasted Auto-correct!!

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by essnce629 View Post
    I think your kids should pick whatever they like and not worry about everyone else.
    This I agree with. I thought OP was picking them out. If the kids chose these, then go for it!
    Mommy to my wonderful, HEALTHY twin girls
    6/08 - Preemies no more!

  5. #15
    hbridge is offline Emerald level (3000+ posts)
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    They look small to me... Just make sure they are big enough for whatever the kids need to carry: binders, books, lunch box, snow/rain gear... The kids will need to carry more than you think. Also, make sure there are pockets and more than one zippered space.

    The one with the "leather" straps seems like it could be a hassle to open and close regularly. With kids and backpacks, it's all about ease of use and keeping things from falling out.

    Also, washable... They will get dirty (faster than you think), you want to be able to throw them in the wash and let them drip dry during vacations...

    However, the biggest thing is for the kids to love them. If they will be wearing uniforms, this is the one way they can express themselves !

  6. #16
    Kindra178 is offline Red Diamond level (10,000+ posts)
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    Adidas is in for both girls and boys here. UA is hanging on though. The boy backpack looks fine. The girl backpack seems way too small for middle school.

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